24” 1080p 144hz IPS monitors are finally here!

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      Well boys and girls, it looks like the long-awaited by many combination of 24” 1080p 144hz and IPS has officially arrived. There are currently 3 models that I know of:

      Acer VG240YP (available on Amazon US right now for under 200$, although seems to be backordered)
      AOC 24G2
      – Philips 242M8

      Personally, I’m still using the good old Samsung C24FG70 and was looking to upgrade to AOC C24G1 / MSI MAG241C. But seeing these IPS models surfacing, I’m inclined to wait. I really like the increased contrast of VA panels for games and movies but the (potentially) faster transitions on an IPS panel are tempting!


        Indeed. It’s about time this gap in the market was plugged.

        We’ll certainly be taking a look at the AOC 24G2(U) in the not too distant future. The Acer model will depend on sample availability and other models that are available to look at (as much as we’d love to be able to, there’s simply not enough time to look at every model of interest). As for the Philips 242M8, I’m not sure if that will be released outside of Asian markets. These models should offer some colour consistency and pixel responsiveness advantages over the VA models, with the usual caveats (weaker contrast, ‘IPS glow’). Will be interesting to see how they perform, for sure. 🙂



          i’m waiting for the release of these monitors, but i’m a bit afraid. Now we know that : Acer VG240YP, AOC 24G2(U) and the Philips 242M8 will use a 23,8″ Panda panel.
          Earlier i thought it will be the 24,5″ Panel from AUO.

          I’m curious to see the comparison between the Panda and the AUO which will used by Asus in the VG259Q and by Acer in the XV253Q.

          Currently, i’m still using the Samsung S24D340, which is similar i think to the S24D330. Both TN, but i’m really suprise, the contrast is almost 1100:1. Colors are goods for me. There is no bleeding.

          I hope these monitors will be good enough, i need 144hz !


            It was clear from the model designations that a 24.5″ panel wasn’t going to be used, otherwise they’d have “25” rather than “24” prefixes. I assume you’re worried about them being Panda panels because they don’t have a history of high refresh rate panels? I’m quite confident they will do a decent job, certainly enough to give the models an edge in pixel responsiveness over the VA alternatives. If you’re expecting them to match some of the more responsive TN models you’ll maybe end up disappointed, but I think it’s fair to expect decent overall responsiveness and the usual IPS strengths in colour consistency.


              Yes it’s my mistake, i didn’t see the 23,8″ from AOC presentation few months ago. You’re right, i’m just worried about Panda because of the name… I hope they are reliable, i mean not weak and break after 1 or 2 years of use.

              Too bad for me, i don’t have a good enough GPU to test monitor but i will do this as soon as i get a new GPU. I will order IPS, VA and TN panel to see what is the least annoying drawback between IPS TN and VA.


                Not that this is really the place, but AUO haven’t exactly got the best reputation for quality control on their high refresh rate panels. The bar is set pretty low – and unlike the often troublesome AUO offerings, these are budget-oriented products. I think any worries because of the Panda panels are likely unfounded.


                  Quite a few other threads have activate discussions on the topic, but I overlooked a quick update to this one. As many are now aware our review of the AOC 24G2(U) has been published. It’s a very accomplished product for the price, with strengths in many key areas. It gave me a more positive first impression than the 24.5″ AUO AHVA options. The backlight yields a much greater colour gamut, the screen surface is a bit smoother and contrast is likely stronger. Pixel overdrive seems better tuned as well, at least compared to the Acer XV253QP I’ve seen in action. That suggests this panel is natively more responsive than the AUO alternative and doesn’t require such aggressive pixel overdrive to speed things up appropriately (hence less overshoot).


                    First, thank you for an excellent review of the AOC 24G2U. Do you happen to know whether or not the aforementioned monitors sharing the same Panda panel with the 24G2U are planned to be released in Europe? The 24G2U’s performance for price is certainly impressive but it looks a bit too gamery for my taste.


                      The Acer VG240YP is already available in Europe. Philips have no plans to release their model in Europe or indeed any region outside of Asia-pacific as far as I’m aware. Also note that you can mount the 24G2(U) to a different stand. Not ideal, but if it was the stand itself causing some issues with you aesthetically it would get rid of that. As mentioned in the review the red hints are quite subtle in practice, so I wouldn’t judge that based on photos. It might be worth seeing it for yourself in person, but if you really don’t like the overall look you may be out of luck at the moment.


                        Hi again. My 24g2u arrived 3 days ago and i’m here to share few impressions.

                        The first reaction is fantastic. The colours i have never seen… all tv\monitors inside my house are not comparable to this. The ghosting is also very good, but let me spend some words about it:

                        Responsiveness: My previous monitor was an old (~10years) Viewsonic vx 2268wm, a 22inc tn 120hz ( the first monitor that was 3d viable ) . The responsiveness is noticably better on my old viewsonic than on my new 24g2u. Judging from your tests inside the review, it looks like 24g2 performs not so different from the fastest tn you have compared to. But in fact i can tell that my older Viewsonic is noticably smoother when fast-rotating in first\person shooters, and also when scrolling\moving foldiers. By that i do not mean that 24g2u is slow, nor that i’m disappointed with it (for clarity, i setup overdrive to strong and other suggested settings in your article). In fact i like the responsivness of the 24g2u. From a point of view of competitive first persons shooters, i have to say that my old TN is more clear to notice the enemies when fast turning around, but at the same time i have to say that the lower colour\brightness of my old TN makes it hard to distinguish the target from the surrounding, expecially at distance. With the 24g2u it is much easier to distinguish targets from surrounding, and this is a sure advantage in game, expecially at distance! . Responsiveness alone is not enough for shooter games, having good colour\bright it’s needed, and with 24g2u you have a clear advantage. (If you ask me if this improved colour can compensate from the lack of responsiveness from a TN… i dunno. It is true that i also enjoy first-person shooters but i’m not a pro gamer n also i didnt see enough monitors to be able to do accurate comparisons )

                        Colors. Speaking about the ~150% rgb, i have to say that my eyes fatigue to stay in front of this monitor after long game sessions. With my older TN i had no problem, but this one sent me sleep yesterday night with an headache ( n i rarely have). Last three days i have tried to play with the OSD settings, and i’m still trying today, but looks like i cannot reduce these color to the point i want. Even with brightning set at 0~20%, with Contrast lowered at 45% and RGB lowered at 45\45\38 the colour is still too intense… acute. For istance i have played few matches in League of Legend, and that Red Border around enemies is too sharp. In general colors are too sharp in LoL. I’m also playing Starbound with my wife at evening, and while the colour are surely beautiful to see, after some time my eyes start to fatigue. I have read on other forums that most of the game are made for sRGB colours. Is it true? This is where the sRGB emulator in the OSD menu should be handy… but in fact it block brightness to 70% and this is just too much to bear for my eyes. Regarding the sRGB setting, i believe there is a reason if it is blocked at 70%. They did not do by mistake. Probably this is the only way to emulate the sRGB. In fact i have tried to play with OSD setting, adjusting colours, brightness, contrast etc, but i cannot find a way to have at the same time 1) Moderate colours that do not stress eyes in games and 2) low brightness that do not blind my eyes (my eyes have no problem, i’m not sick or somethin but i’m used to low brightning monitors and environment)

                        Problem in left and right side of the screen Here it is the troubling topic for me. I dunno if it is called bleeding, ips glow, factory defect or whatever. But i can tell you that this unit of mine become darker when at the left edge and the right edge. To the point that when i’m reading a Txt on white background, the chars to the left of the monitor arent sharp/clear as these in the middle of the screen. I find it strange to read an article or reading/writing with white background. This is also true when watching at my desktop. You can see the photo that i took for instance. The top/left Icon called “Diario” isn’t white, but a little gray. I have duplicated the same Icon “Diario” and have placed it in the top/center of the desktop. You can see clearly the difference between the two icons. This is how i see the left and the right edge of the monitor at around 1 meter distance and in a good angle for an IPS monitor, according to guides found on internet. This is even more evident in top/left and top/right corners, but in general its true on the whole left and right edges. (Notice i moved my icons more “inside” the desktop to avoid the darker area). Is it normal? Will it get better over time as they say for ips glow?

                        I like this monitor responsiveness, shape… and the super contrast! and the rest. But it is really too much vibrant / bright for my personal taste.
                        The problem i explained at the end is probably and hopefully concerning my unit only. I’m very concerned about it at the point i’m considering to send the monitor back. Eventually should i take another TN as replacement? afterall i come from another TN and a newer one will surely be a boost for me (my older viewsonic started to do buzzing noises, so i decided to get rid of). Which TN model should i eventually go for? always 200euro~ Full HD.

                        Thank you again for your splendid job at doing reviews and explaining such difficult topic with easy words in your articles. Was lucky to find your website. Sorry for my english.


                          Thanks for sharing your extensive impressions of the AOC 24G2(U), battlew. It’s very nice to see you pick out some positives but also some negatives for yourself. It really goes to show just how subjective this all is.

                          The ViewSonic VX2268 is a model I used very briefly a long while ago, but I do recall it offering decent 120Hz pixel responsiveness. Quite well tuned for models of the era, strong pixel responses but a fair bit of overshoot if I remember correctly. You will be seeing the influence of that slight powdery trailing on the AOC. It’s certainly there in a more noticeable way for some bright to medium transitions, so if you move folders around on the desktop it captures some of that. However; it isn’t really a fair comparison. The ViewSonic is not flicker-free and uses PWM to regulate the backlight. This causes the trailing to appear as sharp fragments rather than a ‘smooth blur’ and reduces your eye movement a bit and perceived blur from that. This is less distinct for CCFL backlights (as used on the ViewSonic) but is still there and still affects eye movement. Added to the overshoot, it could appear ‘sharper’ for this reason. Do you still have the ViewSonic connected? If so, try setting it to 100% brightness (which should disable PWM) and see if you observe some differences in its apparent motion clarity. Some users (including me) absolutely hate PWM artifacts, even though it can make motion appear ‘sharper’ in some respects. Especially during rapid movement.

                          The strong saturation on the 24G2(U) will take some getting used to. It’s not for everyone. What GPU do you use? You also mentioned brightness being locked to ‘70%’ in the sRGB mode – is it not locked at ‘90%’? You should try reducing the ‘Game Color’ slider a little instead, some users find that helpful. It can be tricky to get the right balance with that, but worth trying.

                          The final issue you mention there is a uniformity issue. It affects some units, not all. It also affected my review sample, as covered in the review. In my case there was a significant drop in colour temperature (things appeared cooler/bluer in tone) towards the very right of the screen.


                            Hi again, thanks for your answer. I did not know my viewsonic was using PWM backlight. That shows how much poor my experience is about monitors in general ! Anyway i have used that viewsonic for so many years, and when the fps is next to 120hz the movement are smooth and sharp. It always bugged me when i disable vsync to push fps above 120, i can notice horizontal refreshes (tearing?), but at the same time the responsiveness also is increased… tearing never bugged me much to be honest. Indeed it is somethin personal.
                            I have already moved away the viewsonic, now it is late at night, but eventually tomorrow i could plug it back and test the 100% brightness. (i think in 10 years i never kept it at 100%!).

                            I was playing with the ‘game color’ just before ! thanks for the hint. i just remind i could reduce the saturation of colors like that. Right now i’m trying with 9 ‘game color’ , 40 contrast 10 bright, 50/50/45 rgb, but i think as you said, it will take some time to find my personal preference. My video card is a geforce 1060 3gb, gigabyte (why it matter?)… and yes, sRGB is locked at 90% as you said, my bad.

                            I was reading about these uniformity issues just now on the internet, i understand it is a difficult question , expecially because you cant see the monitor of mine with your eyes, but how much is common/rare that uniformity issues as mine get fixed over time? (the article i was reading also mention it could get better after few weeks). My monitor is darker on the left edge, in particular top left, but also on the right edge, in particular top right. For istance icons look darker, and text too when reading.

                            Thank you


                              The reason I asked about the GPU you had was in case you had an AMD GPU. There is an option in the graphics driver that acts as a sort of sRGB emulation mode but which doesn’t lock off brightness. There isn’t such a setting in Nvidia’s drivers, unfortunately. And I forgot to test it with my AMD GPU drivers – it doesn’t always work properly on some monitors anyway, but since you have an Nvidia GPU it’s not relevant.

                              Uniformity issues can change over time, but usually the changes are slight and would affect dark uniformity of the backlight not light uniformity. It would be unusual to see any dramatic changes to how white is displayed, for example. It does seem this model is quite prone to uniformity issues, from user feedback – but the same can be said for much more expensive models. It’s something you either need to “live with” and get used to, or you can play the panel lottery and try to get one without the issue. There will be some units out there that don’t have the issue to the same degree as yours. But there may be some that are worse and I suspect most will be some way between.


                                Reducing colour from 50/50/50 to something like 10/10/10 could help maybe ? Or it will only reduce the brightness. I thought it could reduce saturation too.

                                You can try the Acer VG240YP which is not 126% SRGB but the overdrive will not be well tuned I think.


                                  The colour channels are ‘gain’ controls, which affect brightness (and naturally, contrast). Not saturation.


                                    So i received my 24G2U

                                    Coming from a Samsung Syncmaster 2243SN (9 years old), it feels amazing

                                    No micro Stuttering at all, great color

                                    The only thing bothering me, is the brightness
                                    Even at Zero, it stills a little too bright for me

                                    Trying to find a workaround with Windows Night Mode, without sacrifice too much color


                                      I’m glad you’re enjoying it overall. If you’re finding it too bright, you may get used to it in time – especially if you had your old Samsung set rather dim. You might also be able to adjust your room lighting so it’s a bit brighter. But I agree it would be nicer if the minimum luminance of the AOC was lower, for sensitive users. You can reduce the brightness at the expense of contrast by reducing the ‘contrast’ slider of the monitor as well.


                                        Yeah, i did reduce the contrast

                                        I will try to increase my room lighting by adding an another lamp not too far away


                                          What about ips glow? Can you make it almost unnoticeable by lowering brightness value to match 100cd/m2?The room where I plan to use the monitor is lit by a regular 60watt bulb.
                                          sorry for my bad english


                                            As noted in the review ‘IPS glow’ on the AOC is a bit less noticeable than average but remains a ‘feature’ (meaning it is still noticeable). It would be less noticeable at 100 cd/m² compared to under our ‘Test Settings’ (~160 cd/m²), but it would still be quite easy to spot in dimmer lighting conditions. It depends on your individual sensitivity to brightness, where your 60W bulb is positioned in the room and the size of the room (amongst other things) as to how noticeable you’d actually find it. So it’s something you’d have to see for yourself. If it’s a concern than you could further enhance perceived contrast and reduce how noticeable ‘IPS glow’ is by adding to your room lighting if possible. LED strips or a small light shining behind the monitor as a ‘bias light’ or near if more pratical would help.

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