Viewsonic XG2405 vs AOC 24G2U

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      After reading a lot , I’m between these two options , there are no reviews of the Viewsonic XG2405 model yet so I can’t decide.

      I’m gonna be using the monitor to play League of Legends mostly. Which one would you suggest? Do you think the XG2405 has a faster responsiveness than the AOC 24G2U?

      Thank you so much.


        Hi Ek0,

        I’m afraid I have no experience with the ViewSonic XG2405 nor any user feedback to share. I may review it at some point, but can’t promise anything as I’ve got a huge and growing list of monitors I’d like to look at and can’t review all of them.

        It’s very unlikely that the ViewSonic is more responsive than the AOC 24G2(U), because it uses the same CELL (panel minus backlight) and the 24G2(U) really gets as much out of the panel as you can reasonably expect. There’s really very little room for improvement in that respect, without using a different panel (and I haven’t come across any significantly faster ~144Hz IPS-type panel). ViewSonic are usually good at pixel overdrive tuning and achieving low input lag, though, so I would expect responsiveness to be similar.

        The main difference of note, aside from features and aesthetics which differ between the two, is that the ViewSonic is a standard gamut model vs. wide gamut for the AOC. The colour output on the AOC is more vibrant and saturated, whereas on the ViewSonic it will be ‘rich and natural’ – more muted, but truer to the original sRGB intentions of the developers. Personal preferences are important in that respect.


          Did you end up buying either model Ek0?


            I bought the Viewsonic XG2405, I love the colors and the overall quality of it. However I’m a bit dissapointed with the responsiveness, I had a BenQ XL2411Z and I can feel the difference while playing League of Legends or Cs:Go.
            So what I’m going to do is make a dual monitor setup ,keep the XG2405 and use it for everything except competitive gaming.
            I wanted to ask , which one is the best 24″ 1080p 144hz monitor in terms of responsiveness? I read a bit and I think it is the ViewSonic XG240R. If you can confirm it I’ll buy it and I’ll use it as the main monitor for competitive gaming.

            Thank you so much


              Yes, the XG240R is the one to go for with responsiveness as the main priority.

              Also, if you’re up for it I’d welcome some pursuit photographs of the XG2405 (at 144Hz) using TestUFO so it can be compared (roughly) to the 24G2(U). The page has a link to instructions on how to capture pursuit photographs. If you’ve got a smartphone with even a half-decent camera that lets you record video then that might be the easiest way. You’d just scan the phone across the screen trying your best to match its speed with the moving UFOs, whilst recording a video. You can do several passes, starting at the beginning and moving along with the UFOs from left to right. I took some very quick videos at IFA for some monitors using this method and found some of the freeze frames from the video surprisingly good at representing the motion (example) .


                Iā€™m curious to know if XL2411Z and other best variants from BenQ are better or equivalent to the XG240R is term of ghosting ?


                  No, absolutely not. The XG240R is as close to perfect as you can get with these panels. It has either no trailing whatsoever (conventional or inverse ghosting) or very small amounts for most pixel transitions at 144Hz. Refer to our review of the BenQ XL2420Z and you’ll see how BenQ tunes things. I appreciate these are our old tests using PixPerAn and they aren’t pursuit photos, but it still highlights the overshoot issue nicely. The tuning on this is very similar to the XL2411Z, XL2430 and newer models like the XL2411P and shows significant overshoot using the optimal ‘AMA High’. The ViewSonic is better tuned and the BenQ is delivering you no benefits – you’re not getting significantly lower conventional trailing if there’s as good as none of that in the first place. Some users perceive overshoot-rich motion as ‘sharper’, but you can simply use one of the higher ‘Response Time OD’ settings on the ViewSonic if that applies to you.


                    I’m a bit disappointed too about the responsiveness of xg2405 that I have. And it is causing me eye fatigue…I don’t know what to do..I’ve reduced the brightness a lot, the contrast and adjust the gamma in windows…and also added a bit of antiblue filter but I continue to have this problem…maybe It will be better If I try the VG259q?


                      I’m sorry to read that, pointb. I’ve just received feedback via email from a user who tried both the XG2405 and 24G2U and preferred the responsiveness (and colour vibrancy) of the AOC. Needless to say, he ended up keeping that instead of the ViewSonic. So don’t discount the AOC as a possible alternative! But yes, it may be worth you trying the VG259Q as a replacement to your ViewSonic.

                      If you’re still happy to try the ViewSonic for a bit longer, I’d appreciate pursuit photographs as described a few posts back if you’re able to. It would be nice to have a visual reference that people can use to compare with the AOC.


                        Hello, I originally wanted to buy the AOC 24G2 but unfortunately it’s unavailable in my country.
                        I have read that this monitor it uses the same IPS panda panel as the 24G2. But the thing that kinda makes me want to just buy a tn monitor instead is because of the response time of the ViewSonic.

                        I have read that the XG2405 has an input lag of:
                        FreeSync On @ 143fps is 7.7ms
                        FreeSync ON is 8.4ms
                        FreeSync OFF is 7.1ms

                        From the review of pcmonitors, the input lag of the 24G2 is 3.79ms.

                        I know that reviewers have different methods of measuring input lag and I should not compare data from different sites, but this is the only information I have about the input lag of both monitors.

                        My question is the input lag results of the xg2405 really that bad?
                        Will I notice any severe delay when playing fast paced shooters like csgo and rainbow six?
                        Also why do both of these panels perform differently, shouldn’t they be identical?


                          I’ve merged your thread with an existing thread comparing the two monitors. You can’t directly compare input lag using completely different methodologies, so I can’t comment on this figure and how representative or comparable to our figures it may be. Also, your link to “quasarzone” (Korean message board) just redirects to their homepage for me so I removed it. pointb above mentioned he was disappointed with the responsiveness of the XG2405. I’m not sure if they were referring specifically to pixel responsiveness, input lag or both – perhaps they could elaborate. The other user I was referred to in my previous post who tried both the ViewSonic and AOC didn’t have any issues with input lag, but did prefer the pixel response tuning of the AOC. I’ve had had another user report being pretty happy with the XG2405, though, and they play similar games to you. Really it depends on your expectations and experience plus sensitivity to input lag (if that’s an issue) or weaknesses in pixel responsiveness.


                            Since I had both, I might as well say something.

                            The VS is definitely better (for me) than the AOC, but it is slower, but still very good for an IPS (the AOC is definitely more direct).

                            The VS is more genuine, the AOC more lively, but that’s a matter of taste.

                            The AOC subjectively has the better contrast and less BLB and Glow.

                            But the VS is much better in white homogeneity.

                            But neither of them has any quality… the AOC had 2 pixel faults and the VS had 2 dust inclusions.

                            Unfortunately I can’t provide pictures from the UFO test, my camera from the S8 doesn’t take them.

                            If the AOC would not have been so stressful, p/l would definitely go to the AOC.


                              Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I’m sure your Galaxy S8 can record a video and you’d get acceptable freeze frames from that, as described above?


                                unfortunately I do not have the VS anymore, I had tried it as described, but somehow my cam is strange from the S8.

                                Subjectively I can say, that the VS has not much more blur than the AOC, the AOC was just more direct from the Input Lag.


                                  Can anyone with some experience with the XG2405 tell me if there is an overshoot problem with this monitor at 60 hz ? I want to play singleplayer games at 40-60 fps and in this video it kinda looks like there is significant overshoot even at 144 hz but i’m not sure, it might be because the video has been reconverted to a different framerate on youtube. If anyone knows it would really help me decide between this one and the Asus vg249q, thank you.


                                    I took some photos to show motion on the monitor but didn’t move the camera in my test. I just did some more videos, this time correctly, but haven’t exported the frames yet. If you can tell me what frames you need exactly I can try to provide those. Alternatively, you can have the raw videos if you want.


                                      Normlbert, the raw video would be fine and I can extract suitable frames. I appreciate the effort. It can be difficult to tell exactly what a “good” and “bad” frame is unless you’ve seen some “good” examples of 144Hz sample and hold monitors and know what to look for. Any particular frames that show the motion without obvious mismatches or overlapping would be great – you can see examples in our reviews. You should see the UFO main body appear like those examples and there should be a single distinct trail behind the object. This pursuit video taken by one of our readers (nvc) shows the sort of effect that should be achieved from the video. There is no trailing of note behind the UFO, because it’s an OLED (Dell Aliewnware AW5520QF), but there is just a single distinct UFO. You can see a typical capture from the video in the news piece.

                                      The video that lowsubhuman posted is a perfect example of what to avoid. There is no point taking pursuit photographs (or a video) in a way that shows distinct frame overlap, because that drowns out useful information. I can’t see strong overshoot in that video by the way, lowsubhumman – overshoot is not the issue there, it’s simply a poor video for showing motion in a representative way.


                                        I just looked at the still image that they showed around the 10 seconds mark and on the bottom stripe the ufo appears to have a fainter ufo in front of it so that’s what i’m referring to, maybe i’m wrong. Of ocurse this video is for 144hz, at 48-60 hz it might be different.


                                          That’s not overshoot, that’s simply frame overlap due to poor capture on the video, as explained in my previous post. A pursuit shot should never show such extreme displacement between any object and trailing at a high refresh rate. And there should not be multiple repetitions of the object behind it either, for a flicker-free monitor like this. These are simply artifacts due to how the video was captured. Refer to our reviews (such as that of the AOC 24G2U, ‘Overdrive = Strong’ at 60Hz) for examples of how overshoot (inverse ghosting) manifests and refer to the explanation in this article. Also, the ViewSonic has multiple ‘Response Time’ settings. So even if overshoot was visible for the setting they’re using (it isn’t), it doesn’t mean it would be there with weaker pixel overdrive settings. I can’t read Korean, but I can’t see any indication of the response time setting used on that video either – there’s really very little if any useful information you can glean from that video.


                                            @ PCM2

                                            Sorry, I forgot to follow this. This is the “best” frame I could extract myself:
                                            If that’s not sufficient, I could E-Mail you a link to the raw videos.

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