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- February 5, 2022 at 1:23 pm #67392
Hey guys;
I just want to vent if that’s cool with ya’ll.
I am so sick of the monitor market. Frick dude. For context I run a 10700k/3080/32GB based machine. I also have a PS5 with an LG OLED B8.
I’ve had multiple of the ‘high end’ monitors that are on the market, but my current primary is a Predator XB323U GX.
I’ve had an Odyssey G7 32, LG 32GP850, S2721DGF, and now the XB323U GX.
My Odyssey had ALL of the standard issues, scanlines, signal dropping, flickering, and on top of that it had the batman logo VA glow. (it was manageable though.)
The GP850 had such bad IPS glow it was comical.
The DGF was a good panel all things considered, but after the G7 32, it was hard to go back to 27. It did have some IPS glow, but I do realize that some IPS glow is inherent to it’s technology.
I ended up settling on an XB323U GX. I play a lot of shooters, Valorant mostly so I was happy with it’s refresh rate and motion capability. But I’m also a gamer in general, I’ve played everything and will continue to do so.
I’m currently playing Dying Light 2 and it’s making me realize how bad current LCDs are. I have some bias lighting directly behind my monitor, (it’s red right now but I’ve tried every color)
The IPS glow is so bad that I legitimately can’t see anything in dark scenes. Admittedly I play with most lights off, and I know that’s a no no with IPS panels, but c’mon man it’s a horror action game I’m not tryna play it under retail store esque lighting.
There is a scene very early on in Dying Light 2 where you’re searching a mansion (cool game so far btw) and thankfully there is a Survivor Sense mechanic where you press Q and it throws out a ping that pings all loot in the area. Thankful that this mechanic exists because I literally can’t see anything in the closet and cupboards of the mansion. I am not being dramatic, I legitimately can’t see anything.
It’s all just hazy from the IPS glow and BLB. I have to kind of move my head around the panel to see certain corners of the screen in dark scenes.
I brought up my PS5/OLED not to flex, just simply to compare. My PC is much ‘faster’ than my PS5 objectively, but considering the difference in panel technology, games just look miles better on my PS5. I’ve played God of War (one of the best games of all time don’t @ me) on my PS5 and on my PC, it looks much better on the PS5.
Yes of course this is due to the OLED. Textures and DLSS look better on the PC, but the OLED makes dark scenes actually have some atmosphere while still bringing out highlights when needed. OLED isn’t perfect tech, don’t get me wrong. It’s auto brightness leveler is annoying in shows that are primarily dark, it doesn’t get overly bright in SDR and the obvious risk of burn in (exaggerated by a lot of people IMO. I’ve had my B8 for 3 years, with all the auto brightness turned off through it’s service menu and not had any burn in.)
Of course I can plug my 3080 into my B8, which I do, but that’s a logistical nightmare with my setup, and Windows never plays nice with it as it isn’t my primary panel.
Why is the market this way? it’s really frustrating, I realize I’m a pretty obsessive person and probably sound crazy right now, but it is sad to spend over $4000 on a new PC setup, and have to rely on bad game mechanics and literally moving my skull to see in scenes that aren’t perfect lighting conditions.
I notice the IPS glow in almost any scene that isn’t bright lighting. Not cool.
I just needed to vent, sorry guys. I am contemplating RMA’ing my XB323U, but I’m in Canada so I’ll be without a panel for 4/5 weeks, assuming they 1) actually replace it and 2) it’s not worse than this one.
I’m really demotivated, and it makes me not want to play anything. I end up just spamming Slay the Spire and Stardew Valley on my 3080 based machine. lol. Maybe i’ll sell the XB and go back to a G7? At least it won’t have IPS glow even if it has every other issue known to mankind.
Thanks for listening, I love you guys. OLED Monitors now please
February 5, 2022 at 1:39 pm #67395PCM2
Hey Solistru,
Ordinarily I don’t encourage ‘vent’ type posts, but you make some very good points here and you’ve shared some experiences and frustrations which I find very relatable. It’s a real shame that rather than focusing on the positive aspects of monitors, people are often left deciding on a screen based on which compromises they’re most willing and able to put up with. You also bring up a good point when you say the bias lighting didn’t perform miracles when it came to overcoming the ‘IPS glow’ on your XB323U GX. It’s always something I encourage people to try and I’m sure you’d agree it can help improve perceived contrast somewhat and draw your eyes away from some of the weaknesses. But it can’t add back detail that was lost due to ‘IPS glow’ and it won’t give you the same kind of deep, atmospheric and detailed look you can enjoy on an OLED screen in a dim room.
I do see light at the end of the tunnel. I have to say my eyes lit up when I read about the Dell Alienware AW3423DW with QD-OLED panel. Honestly, I think I was more excited than I was at Christmas. I’ve been following OLED technology and Samsung’s QD-OLED iteration closely and I really think this technology shows a lot of promise. I hope the claims surrounding burn-in (which I agree with you – are easy to exaggerate even on ‘traditional’ OLEDs) turn out to be true and that people can use such models normally on the desktop. Without fear of causing permanent damage to the screen. I’m also a fan of the traditional RGB subpixel layout (without additional white subpixel) and I think using blue OLEDs as a light source and Quantum Dot filters for the red and green component makes a lot of sense. It also yields the kind of colour gamut (potentially even greater) that you have on the XB323U GX! Price and the selection of sizes available with this technology will be initial barriers no doubt, but I certainly hope and expect to see this technology adopted more broadly. I’m also quite excited about the advances in Mini LED technology and the sort of experience that can offer.
February 5, 2022 at 5:58 pm #67396Solistru
Thanks so much for allowing the post. I appreciate it! I look to this site a lot for news.
I’m really excited about that OLED panel too, I know it’ll be way outside my budget for now, but it’s a great start. Competition is a good thing and I’m sure in 2 years the market will be full of OLED panels.
I think I’m going to sell off my XB and pick up a new Odyssey G7 32. I hope they’re still in production, I can’t seem to find many online in Canada.
Thanks again, look forward to more conversation on the topic!
February 7, 2022 at 8:24 pm #67417EsaT
Things started going to hell in monitors about 20 years ago when display market (like overall PC market) was turned to marketing controlled playground with Joe Average Vegetable… err Consumer “deciding” the direction, instead of previous market where it was enthusiasts and people with knowledge who decided the direction.
Pretty sure bet that marketing department scammers demanded that shops must keep CRTs far from LCDs for average consumer not to know how bad some things were in LCDs.
And once CRTs were sidelined, instead of focusing on developing the least bad LCD type IPS further, marketroids started pushing excrement called Twisted Nematics LCD.
IPS is simply the only type of LCD which should have had any R&D with rest going into development of self emissive pixel tech to match CRT in flat format.
IPS glow is possible to eliminate/minimize with use of different/special polarizer called A-TW: A-TW filter was basically forgotten when any TN s*** sold and has never been taken into bigger role when TNs were finally sidelined.
Lately apparently only couple FALD panels have used it or something similar, like the one in PG32UQX. (TFTCentral’s viewing angle image doesn’t show IPS glow)
Hopefully AUO’s newer panel with supposedly finally modern response times have such filter.
With LG many years long failure to give damn about 4K monitors in general don’t have much hopes for 32GQ950 becoming available any time soon.
Besides while LG used to make the widest gamut panels (like in my current Dell U3014) they can’t nowadays get over DCI-P3 without planting face to dirt.Actually there was basically “CRT in flat LCD like form factor” tech far in development and it was even demoed in 2006 CES.
But then Dubya’s patent troll buddies from Texas went into full on sabotage mode obstructing its development.
And shortly after that economic downturn caused by Dubya’s other buddies made R&D money short bringing development to grinding halt.
After that development never picked up again with organic LED hype drawing all resources for its vulnerable and weak organic stuff., wouldn’t have any problems with OLEDs brightness and could accept also lower usage life.
But LG has been sitting with their thumbs up their butt for many years and even now their only PC monitor size OLED is retro 60Hz model.
And still costs arm and both legs, while 120Hz OLEDs TVs are both far bigger and far cheaper!Samsung’s QD-OLED is sure promising with also standard RGB-subpixel layout and what should be higher efficiency/lower stress on OLEDs from use of quantum dots, instead of energy/light wasting colour filter.
But instead of aiming for proper high end and 4K/3840×2160 (could forgive moderate 1800R curve) all we get is ultralow screen with mediocre image height/resolution and big desk space hogging for that.
Then again what can you expect from such marketing scammer driven display maker:
Samsung has been renaming same old LCD many times fraudulently:
After short lived 3D TV fad, they started pushing “LED” TV and then have been for years spreading their “QLED” BS.AUO panel Acer X32 FP would seem to be the least bad choice for update from U3014, but hopefully it becomes available soon instead of next year.
February 7, 2022 at 8:33 pm #67421PCM2
Well, you’ve really lowered the tone now EsaT. 😉
I agree completely with the wool over the eyes marketing done by the likes of Samsung, it’s infuriating and simply leaves consumers misinformed. With respect to ‘IPS glow’ and A-TW or similar polarising filters to significantly reduce it, I do consider the PG32UQX to be a ‘low glow’ panel if you want to use that term. But it’s certainly still there and it doesn’t include the ‘Off-Axis Contrast Optimization (OCO) technology found on models like the PA32UCX-P. That’s more akin to an A-TW polariser. Without local dimming enabled it was certainly still visible from a normal viewing position, but it was reduced somewhat compared to some models (as described in the review and shown in the video below). There was a significant improvement in that respect with local dimming enabled. The section of the viewing angles video (2nd video) shows the bloom of ‘IPS glow’ off-angle on the PG32UQX. Definitely lower than you’d usually see, but still a fair bloom from sharper angles.
February 8, 2022 at 9:27 pm #67435EsaT
Well, what George Bernard Shaw said applies really well to monitor market:
“The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.”And sure have been waiting long for real replacement for CRT.
Despite of all the hype OLED has been failure in that, because of that fancy but very vulnerable organic part.
And wasting light output to colour filter surely doesn’t help in minimizing degradation/wear.But guess I still have to satisfy be satisfied with IPS to get forward from 60Hz 2560×1600.
Hopefully AUO just didn’t cut that A-TW/what ever they call it in panel coming to Acer X32 FP.Actually remember having read about such dim coloured/purplish glow dozen+ years ago when there were few of those A-TW polarizer equipped monitors.
In case of LG don’t have much hopes:
Don’t know if two of the Finland’s biggest PC shops have received a single 27GP950 yet. (at least other hasn’t)
And it’s availability isn’t good anywhere.
So without firm dates for that 32″ 4K monitor we’re probably still waiting for it at next year’s CES.Innolux panel base 28″ and 32″ models are again available.
But those are half assed in their semi-wide gamut not even meeting (smaller than AdobeRGB) DCI-P3 in greens/cyan and also HDMI 2.1 is equally half assed actually supporting only half of the bandwidth of specification.
Though HDMI 2.1 itself has been turned into scamming device.
You would think that consumer protection agencies/authorities would be acting proactively and shredding some new rear holes to those behind that fraud.March 1, 2022 at 3:43 pm #67696Solistru
So I sold my XB323U GX for $900 CAD. Not bad!
I went with another 32 inch Odyssey g7. And unfortunately there’s a stuck pixel smack dab in the centre of the screen. I can’t catch a break lol.
My plan now is to return this, and buy an M32Q. They aren’t as highly rated as the odyssey and the XB, but considering the state of the monitor market now, I think I’d rather buy this, pocket the extra $500 and once the OLED ultrawides become available I’ll keep an eye on them and pick one up if they’re as good as they should be.
I’m a little worried about the low peak brightness of the M32Q. I like my panels bright enough to melt my eyes, which I know isn’t good but I am an odd human being. I contemplated another 32GP850, but due to the excessive complaints of back-light bleed here and on Reddit, and in my personal experience, I think the M32Q is the way to go for now.
What do you guys think? Any other monitors you’d recommend? Looking for a 32 inch 1440p panel. I’ve had 2 Odyssey G7’s now. A 32GGP850, and an XB323U GX.
The AW2721D looks great, but it isn’t on sale in my area and paying $1000 to go back to 27 inches seems tough.
I think using the M32Q as an interim panel while we gauge the emerging OLED market is the play… maybe.
March 1, 2022 at 3:49 pm #67699PCM2
I think your plan to use the M32Q as an interim solution whilst keeping an eye on the OLED offerings (AW3423DW and future QD-OLEDs to come) makes sense. I think the M32Q is a really good offering for the price and agree that makes the pitfalls you’re expecting to be easier to stomach. Hopefully the ~350 cd/m² peak luminance will be fine for you – if not then actually the QD-OLED solutions currently in the pipeline may not be to your taste, either. Their typical maximum luminance for SDR is 250 cd/m² as they aren’t designed to be constantly run above that.
March 1, 2022 at 9:25 pm #67703Solistru
Thanks for the reply. I trust your opinion so I’m happy with that answer!
When it comes to the brightness of the OLED, I see what you’re saying but I’m totally OK to sacrifice lower brightness for everything else OLED has to offer.
My LG B8 doesn’t get overly bright, but I feel due to it’s infinite contrast it feels brighter than it is.
Really looking forward to the Alienware oled! I wonder when we’ll get reviews on them
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